chakra healing

Chakra Healing
What is the energy healing & how it transforms your life positively? Currently, energy healing therapy is increasing across the globe in order to live healthy life in current trend. Within and surrounding your body is a field of energy. You may have heard about energy healing when people talk about acupuncture and this energy is referred to as energy of your chakras or your aura which is constantly reflecting around you. Your energy field can be vibrant or lethargic, weak or strong, and it can be in any form. But that constantly state of movement can eventually have an effect on your energy field, causing imbalances where experiences may get immovable.
3 Elements of Energy Chakra Healing:
(1) Crystal Energy Healing: its carry a specific vibration and high level of energy. Naturally, you can consider what type of energy a crystal brings by noting its color. The color of the crystal usually corresponds with the chakra which is familiar to. Like violet crystals can help with psychic awareness, intuition and connecting to universal consciousness. Crystal Energy is understanding your symptoms and placing crystals on the areas of the body accordingly.
(2) Reiki: the most popular forms of energy healing globally. The Reiki practitioner will either place hands on the person or place their hands slightly above the person’s body and within their energy field. Person’s express their feeling like tingling sensations & warmth during a session. There are many different forms of Reiki and its sessions can be performed for a variety of reasons in which include fever treatment, hypertension treatment, asthma treatment, depression therapy, diabetes cure, any other physical problems, or a general any of your energy field.
(3) Distance Healing: is very similar kind of Reiki but the only difference like the practitioner is not located in the same room. Because the energy and intention are not restricted to physical space, distance healing can be done across the globally. The person is receiving & giving the healing decides on a time that they want the session to occur. The person receiving the healing lies down in a contented position and prepares well to receive the healing energy. The person is conducting the distance healing sends the vibrations of kindness, love, compassion and healing intentions during the session.
Energy healing can be powerful and many one are using globally. Making energy chakra healing is a part of your health & wellness which keeps you alive, happy with positiveness & achieve great success in your life.